Designed to improve posture, redistribute pressure and correct the mechanical function of the feet and lower limb, orthotics aim to reduce pain, improve comfort, promote healing and minimise the risk of injury.

Our Custom Foot Orthotics (CFO’S) are designed to correct foot and lower limb dysfunction. CFO’s are designed to suit the specific needs of the individual.

Prefabricated orthotics insoles/ arch supports are also available in a variety of forms to help correct foot posture and function. Although only partially customised, these are beneficial when correctly prescribed.

Common conditions:

  • Flat fleet or high arches

  • Heel pain/heel spurs/arch pain

  • Pain in ball of the foot

  • Knee and shin pain

  • Achilles tendon pain

  • Joint stiffness and muscle cramps

  • Muscle pain and tightness

  • Nerve conditions

  • Bony deformities (e.g. claw toes, bunions)